Tumark® Vision Atlas
Case studies
Tumark Vision Atlas contains case studies of our Tumark Vision biopsy site marker and provides clinical information.The long-term visibility of a biopsy site marker is particularly important in neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Some of the following case studies report this application scenario.

47 year-old patient with cancer in the right breast
Dr. S. Metz, Institute for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology at the Technical University of Munich, Klinikum Rechts der Isar, Munich, Germany

Invasive ductal carcinoma in a 49 year-old patient
Prof. Dr. Katja C. Siegmann-Luz, Diagnostisches Brustzentrum Königs Wusterhausen, Germany

A 37 year-old patient with invasive ductal cancer
Prof. Dr. Joerg Heil, Universitäts-Frauenklinik Heidelberg, Germany